Spending more time in customer offices than your own - how to harness your potential as a mobile worker on a 24/7 pace? Try this short quiz.

Learn how editing features of the newly improved PlanMill Mobile enables you to enjoy powerful PlanMill systems on the go. Watch how to use this optimized web-based apps for your Smartphones & Tablets from this video.

I can switch between PlanMill Desktop user interface and Mobile user interface *

I can now choose in PlanMill 14.4 between the old browser-based Desktop user interface if I want to use the full features of PlanMill with a bigger Touch device like iPad. I can also try out and train others about the new user interface without having a real mobile device.

Uploading attachments is not supported in PlanMill Mobile because... *

Access rights give me control over who is using the Mobile interface

All modules that I can edit in the Desktop interface are not automatically editable in the Mobile interface

Which module is NOT yet included in PlanMill Mobile user interface?

Editing description fields in PlanMill Mobile...

Contact information can be

As a salesperson, I can now do ___ % of my daily activities on my mobile device

A salesperson's daily activities usually involves phone, email, instant messaging or text messages to prospects, customers and colleagues. My tasks also include taking notes, making to-do lists, planning phone calls, meetings, etc., registering new leads with opportunities, maintaining contact information of persons and companies (accounts). Viewing sales requests and customer profitability and project activities (on project overview page) can be useful. A sales process ends in forming quotes, contracts, and orders. Salespersons need to also report their time, expenses and absences.

Customer service personnel can now be 90-100% mobile because

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